Master the skill of Goals and Be Successful

“This year is going to be different!”

We think it, we write it, we say it, we scream it — because somehow we think this will bring about our success. If we believe something with our whole heart, write it on a sticky note and post it to our bathroom mirror, how can we possibly fail? It’s those daily reminders that make good things happen, right?

The short answer is no. Writing something down does not make you or me successful.  But not all is lost…keep reading for some inspirational (I hope) tips on making 2019 YOUR YEAR.

We’ve heard all the tips:

  • Write down your goals and you’ll be more successful.
  • Post them where you’ll see them every day to stay motivated.
  • Set achievable goals.
  • Tell someone what you desire so you have accountability.

These motivational mantras are so common that I bet you knew what I was going to say before I said it.  But they’re common because guess what—They actually do help — most people.

But saying a goal out loud isn’t what makes it happen. Writing it down doesn’t make it happen either. Standing on top of a mountain and proclaiming it for the world to hear…still doesn’t make that goal become a reality. Those are simply reminders of your decision to make a change.  They will serve to feed your desire, but that’s only part of the equation….and sadly, the easiest part.

Ultimately, setting a goal only works if you do.

You have to actually do something.

This time, you got off to the right start. You thought about what changes you wanted to see in 2019. You contemplated where you would like to see improvement, and then you made the decision to do it.  That’s the first step.  We have to decide to change.  Then maybe you wrote it down and as you are seeing it each day…or repeating it to yourself, your desire for success increases. You know what you want. You wrote it down in your planner and you posted it where you could see it daily. So you’re all done, right?  Wrong!!

Actually, now the hardest part begins. But before you close the computer…keep reading, because while this part is hard, it is also the most fun AND the most rewarding.  What you’re going to do is start with the end in mind and work your way back to where you are right now.  This is often referred to as reverse engineering.

Now that you have our goal in mind and written down, we want to reverse engineer it. Build a game plan that helps you get to the finish line, starting with the final step and working your way back to where you are now. What actions do you need to take to succeed?

I’ll use one of my goals as an example. I am going to run a 1/2 Ironman race in 2019.  But before I tell you how, let me share with you what that is, in case you’re unfamiliar with the term.  A Half Ironman is a 1.2 mile open water swim, followed by a 56 mile bike ride, followed by a 13.1 mile run.  I’ll be honest, as I write this down AGAIN, and see to numbers AGAIN, my stomach aches.  But I am determined.  Thus I will start from end and work my back to where i am right now.  FYI:  right now I can’t run more than 5 miles and I can’t bike more that about 16 miles.  Clearly I have some work to do.

So Here’s My Plan:

GOAL: Compete in 1/2 Ironman Race in 2019

  • Step 5: Finally, show up to and compete in the race.
  • Step 4: Update and adjust the plan in small increments along the way to adjust for unforeseeable events.
  • Step 3: Follow plan. (AKA–the Discipline.  The hardest part of achieving any goal)
  • Step 2: Find a plan that covers all three disciplines without killing me in the process.
  • Step 1: Determine which race I want to compete in (yes there are MULTIPLES to choose from).

This is very simplified, and your action plan might have more or less steps than mine, but the method is the same. Start with the end in mind and work your way back to where you are now.

Find someone who has your back.


This is bigger than just telling a friend that you want to run a 1/2 Ironman in 2019 — it’s actually finding a someone and working with them daily or weekly.

I have a whole team to help me. They may or may not compete in a race with me, but I know that without them, it would be impossible to achieve the goal.  They are my family and my allies.  They stands by me day in and day out, not just saying “you can do it!” from the sideline, but they getting out there inspire me in their own ways.  My hubby, the guy on the far right, helps cook meals and cleans my house so I have time to train. My kids, all the small people in the picture, encourage me with their words and will sometimes even workout with me.  When I have a bad day or workout, they are always there to encourage me.  Even the dog, Max helps.  He’s my running partner…well, I run, he trots beside me.  But I know that without my team, this dream wouldn’t even get off the ground.

{If you want to follow my journey to the 1/2 Ironman Race on September 14th, then follow my other blog, Fat Lady Triathlete, (new blog…coming soon) and join me for what can only be the adventure of a lifetime.}


What about you?  What’s your dream?  Maybe you want to launch a business this year.  Then find a fellow entrepreneur to compare notes with. Meet for coffee once a week. Share struggles and successes. They don’t even have to work in the same industry to be an incredible support person in your life! Find someone who needs you as much as you need them, then be there for each other every step of the way.

What’s your goal?

Write it down. Shout it from the mountaintop. Make it known. Then make it happen.

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